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Naming Your Countries, Cities and Places

Naming Your Countries, Cities and Places

When creating names for your places in your world you need to think about three main foundations: place, people and history. This video by Hello Future Me gives you an amazing analysis about how you can come up with names through these foundations and how to evolve them through historical changes, power handoffs, and linguistic groups that move through these places.

Key Takeaways

  • Base the name of your places on these three foundations: place, people, and history, but take them through a change in either language evolution, simplification, conflation, or elaboration
  • Language Evolution - the dominant language in the region changes
  • Simplification - removing extra modifying words
  • Conflation - similar sounds or words becoming conflated, bleeding into use with one another
  • Elaboration - adding modifiers to distinguish places from others with similar names
  • Names aren't just about the place, history or people, but also who gets to choose the name or place is about who holds power there. (Think Constantinople → Istanbul)
  • Endonyms - names bestowed on a place by those who live there
  • Exonyms - names bestowed on a place by those outside of it. (Scotland named by the Romans)
  • Consider mapping out where ethno-linguistic groups have moved in your world historically and which linguistic traits they would leave behind.
When you're ready, here are 5 things to help you level up your storytelling game:

Learn How to Build a Story Organization System – Read this helpful article to get essential steps and tips to focus better, increase productivity, and improve your narrative.

Learn How to Become a More Productive Writer – Read this helpful article to boost your writing productivity with effective strategies and practical steps.

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Learn How Notion Can Help You Build Your Story – Discover 13 ways you can harness the full potential of Notion as your go-to tool for organizing and streamlining your storytelling.

Free Notion Templates for Writers – Explore these free StoryFlint-made templates to start you on your story-organizational journey with Notion.

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