😌 Reach storytelling enlightenment with StoryFlint's all-in-one writing system – the Storyteller OS.

How to Create a Writing System for Your World

By Artefexian

Learn what it takes to create your own fictional writing style by choose a type of script, the medium it's primarily written on, the the self-governing rules that it adheres to for consistency. This video delves what kind of script type have been used throughout history, how the writing medium and tool used to write effect the style, and what rules you can implement into your system to make it interesting.

Key Takeaways

  • How a culture writes greatly effects that culture's script. Think about the limitations of the medium being written on and the tools used.
  • Think about what rules govern your glyphs like directionality of block text, or the sound, stress, tone and loudness of speaking the words.
When you're ready, here are 5 things to help you level up your storytelling game:

Learn How to Build a Story Organization System – Read this helpful article to get essential steps and tips to focus better, increase productivity, and improve your narrative.

Learn How to Become a More Productive Writer – Read this helpful article to boost your writing productivity with effective strategies and practical steps.

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Learn How Notion Can Help You Build Your Story – Discover 13 ways you can harness the full potential of Notion as your go-to tool for organizing and streamlining your storytelling.

Free Notion Templates for Writers – Explore these free StoryFlint-made templates to start you on your story-organizational journey with Notion.

Storyteller OS | Notion template by StoryFlint

Storyteller OS | Notion WorkspaceBuild, connect, and organize every detail of all your stories. The Storyteller OS is the ultimate Notion system for writers to organize their story notes, gain clarity, and boost their writing productivity.

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Turn your story ideas into a structured masterpiece

Let the Storyteller OS help you organize your ideas, characters, plot, and world building, while boosting your clarity and productivity. It's the ultimate Notion storytelling system.
"I didn't have any good way of collating the information and linking it all together, then I found StoryFlint's Storyteller OS. WOW!"
Jaisen Mahne